GRIEF - Give Yourself Permission To Feel

Grief... it hurts, it's raw and it's a journey filled with feelings that can be extreme.

Often we don't want to feel these feelings. Often we resist them.

I found the more I resisted my painful feelings the more they persisted.  When I allowed my feelings to come through and then expressed them through my writing the healing began.


Jude xoxoxo


About the Author
I am a mother, sister, daughter, facilitator, speaker, author and an advocate for self-expression. Over many years I have embraced a holistic approach to life for myself and my clients. I have helped and supported others to embrace their feelings, get to know themselves and make choices that produce positive outcomes in their lives. Everything I had learned and practiced was in my face as I experienced the roller coaster ride of raw grief following my mother’s sudden death. I found writing my thoughts and feelings in my Mum Moments journal helped me deal with the reality and emotions of death which at times overwhelmed me. As I shared my journal with friends and colleagues I was touched that my words had a profound effect on others dealing with the death of a loved one. In one powerful instance my words motivated a friend to reunite with her estranged mother. To observe someone reconnecting with a living relative touched my heart. I felt it important to share my healing experience in order to help others and decided to publish my journal. I hope it will help those finding their way through a difficult time.

My journal “Mum Moments – Journey Through Grief” and ‘HEARTSPACE – Letters To My Mother’ – Both available from The Grief Toolbox

Judy can be reached or on her Facebook page

Helping The Bereaved