Letter from Heaven

I'm sending this letter from Heaven

Just to tell you I'm doing alright

I'm so sorry for the pain you're all feeling

But I really did put up a fight

My God had different intentions

There are things that He wants me to do

But always know deep within your hearts

I'll always be there with you

My family and friends are amazing

I still feel your love here with me

You really wouldn't feel so sad

If you could see what I can see

Please look after each other

Have laughs now and then in my name

Always remember I love you

God Bless ~ Until We Meet Again

Poem © Mary G - Love for All

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About the Author
My name is Mary G and I love writing poems for people who are going through the grieving process. I am a trained counsellor and have also tasted grief. I have a firm faith that I will see my loved ones again one day and believe that our death is as much a process of our life as our birth. I know that God is good and will be there for us when we are at our lowest ebb...whether we ask or not... he is our loving Father in heaven and knows each and every one of us and shares in all of our pains and sufferings. I also run a facebook page'Love For All' and write free poems to support people in their grief. All poems © Mary G - Love For All
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