Widow's Reality


She awakens each morning still
Asking herself if this has all been a dream or is this really real?
Are you still really gone?
She asks as her Widow's reality sets in
The truth of her life hits her
Hits her hard all over again

The life she once knew
The family she once had
The love and joy she once felt
Her life as it once was
That life no longer in reality exist 
But exist only in her dreams it does

She begins her daily task once again as she does each and everyday
Alone in her reality she has hope for a life anew
She prays to God that maybe today will be that day
The day her life's reality becomes a little more like the life she once knew

Each day runs into the next
The same thing each morning
Awakening to the realization
of her own Widow's reality mourning

Her truth she lives
But with hope that her truth will soon again be joy
The joy she knew before
Before her heart was torn into

She is strong but her heart is weak
A heart that has been broken again and again
Broken into a million pieces
But still it seeks

Her heart is mending
Mending with many scars but mending just the same
She imagines it looks like a road map
A road map leading nowhere she exclaims
But her faithful God stands with her every step of the way
To help her again to rise above the pain

She prays each day "God, please help me on my way
Give me the strength I need
to accept what is my reality and not a dream"
But is still my Widow's reality on this day
A new life she prays for
A new love to live for
One filled with love, laughter, and joy
As her life use to be years ago once before
Awakening each morning to her Widow's reality still
Is this really real?
Then she realizes but once again
She has hope of a new life
One that will become her new reality
And not just a dream
A Poem By
Lisa Beckermann


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About the Author
I'm Grieving, Now What?