Move Forward
It never crossed my mind that you wouldn't be here
I thought we had more time, at least another year
There isn't a day that I don't think of you and the places we went
I'm so grateful for the memories and the time we got to spend
I know in my heart you wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life upset
If you were alive you would have won that bet...
You will always be my hero, my wind beneath my wings
Ill never forget all the love you gave as well as
my beautiful Betty jacket and so much more
I couldn't watch you suffer anymore
I know you lived your life the best you could
im so grateful that I was your lil girl and that was clearly understood
Im grateful I did get a chance to say I love you
one more time as well as my last
l keep you in my heart and my mind
I promise to let go of the past
what's done is done, its over and there is nothing I can do
Except keep the wonderful memories of me and you
im sending you a letter and a few balloons I hope you
get them....also sent with love....I miss you so very much
I look at your picture everyday
I look back and say
dont worry Daddy I know it's going to be ok
You believed in me, Just like Mike
I must move on dad and live my life with MIke
je has been patient, kind, understanding and loving and protectimg me through all this he's my superman. C love u MIchael Lynn