Mum Moments - Journey Through Grief... Why did I share my personal journey?
When I started writing after my mums sudden death I was writing as a survival technique. I wrote because I was in shock, I was in pain, I didn't know what to do. The more I wrote, the more it helped me embrace all that I was feeling. It helped.
Writing became my healing tool. Writing helped me explore all that I was feeling. Writing helped me find my way through. Writing continues to help me on my journey.
As I shared my writing I discovered my words helped others, it helped them to get in touch with their own feelings. My writing gave them permission to feel.
My wish is to help others find a way through on their own journey though grief.
Sending love and hugs to everyone on their own journey through grief.
Jude xoxoxo
Judy Taylor
Author, Mum Moments - Journey Through Grief