


Everything has a start.  A book, a season, a life, all start with a beginning.  God starts stories in unimaginable places and takes them on some wild rides.  We have ups and downs.  Our free will sometimes takes us on paths that God does not want our story to go.   All the while He is teaching and molding our lives to bring Glory to Him. We are each a story here on earth. 


Everything had an end.  The saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.”  I don’t like endings.  They are so final and do not always end like I have hoped.  I want things to keep going. 

On earth, our story does end.  We will fade away. This past year with my mom’s death God is showing me that He is not a God of endings.  With Jesus there is no ending.  He is, was, and always will be.  My mom’s story goes on and she is more alive than ever before.

I have a very different outlook on Christmas this year.  All the traditions and stuff do not hold the joy they once did.  I am truly celebrating the birth of my Savior.  The birth of my hope, comforter, friend, encourager, and teacher.

Christmas is a beginning.  That is where my eternal plan began.  It all began with a humble couple gathered around their sweet baby boy.  How I would love to go back in time and be at that stable.  I would fall down with the shepherds and give thanks.  I would sing praises with the angles.  I would kiss the baby’s cheeks as Mary did.  How very thankful I am for that beginning.  Because of baby Jesus my story has no end, just a beginning.

His Kingdom will have no end.  Luke 1:33



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I'm Grieving, Now What?