where have they gone

Remember how they surrounded you your last few weeks on earth? Remember how people were here at the house from sun rise til sun set? Remember how much people cared? Remember how often the phone would ring? Remember all the knocks on the door from visitors? Once you left this world, they seemingly left our lives as well. We're still here in this house that you turned into a home, we're still here your family that you created with so much love. We're still here quitely sitting in this living room that was once filled with so much love so much laughter. That would later turn into tears, in your house you built a family that was and will always be here. Reminded daily of your life, your being. You worked everyday for this house working daily from sun rise til sun set often 7 days a week. On numerous occasions it was you knocking on the door as you locked yourself out. You were the one on the other side of the telephone ringing, to ask a simple question while at work. We remember where you sat, where you lay, where you took your final breath, where we wept with so much sadness. I know where you went but where did they go?

About the Author

I am a mother to teenage boys, happily married to a man that has been with me through so much and by my side through it all. My father passed away 10/07/14 a day that has forever changed me and my family. This my grief journey, I have always almost written him poems whether it be for his birthdays, father's day or just to write him a little something, the most important poem written for my dad was the poem that was to be used in his memorial. These are writings that help me through a certain day, maybe after hearing a certain song that brings back memories or seeing his favorite snack down the chip aisle, stirring up emotion that I try to block.I will forever be his daughter.

I'm Grieving, Now What?