The Early Days

The Early Days


We “miss” you

If that is a word

That can begin to describe your absence


No one will ever understand

This severing of our hearts

Except for us.


A heart split apart

Should kill

Yet we continue to walk and breathe.


We believe that we will see you in Heaven

But we are far from being in Heaven

Life for us is anything but


That is not to say we are without hope

But in your absence from this earth

Hope is a choice that is hard labor


All being said, not for one moment

Would we have missed

Having you in our lives


In the middle of what

We cant even describe

We would do it all over again




We don't understand

We don't believe

It happened for “a reason”


We are left with our questions

And an existence

We never expected or imagined


But some things remain

Your time with us was a gift

You are like no other


Our time with you

Our love for you

Can't be taken away


And because we choose

We will continue to labor in our knowing

That you are with our Father


And that the time will come

That it won't be about

This shattering in our hearts


That we will behold you again

That you still endure

In a far-from-us place


That we can't yet


In our torn, broken hearts


That is our vision now

From where we gaze

Over life's horizon


But where our vision is clouded

We will continue to persevere

For a knowing in our hearts


That this is not the end of

The story

This one so harsh and unrelenting


That the telling isn't over


Our Father will continue


With this unfolding


Our family


Into a forever narrative

That no longer includes

This unimaginable place where we subsist


And even if our hearts

Can't grasp what is to come

It is still a certainty


So we wait

Determined to persist

To look towards the day


When we will be together

Once again as a family

And all will be well


At the beginning

Of our family's chronicle

Lived out in our Father's House.



To the One who loves us beyond comprehension.

In Christ's name.

In remembrance of both adult sons of close friends, one murdered, one sudden unexpected medical death...with all our love........ 


About the Author
I am a mother of two with twin grandsons. I have never lost a child, but I am surrounded by loved ones who have.Our closest friends lost the first of their two sons 18 years ago to murder at the age of 18. Their second son died almost a year ago at age 32 of an asthma attack in their home and was gone within minutes. Three years ago, my stepbrother's 16 year old daughter hung herself in their backyard, and her mother found her upon coming home from work. More recently, a precious 18 year old girl at our church was killed when a car crossed over into her lane and hit her head on. I have a heart for those who grieve, especially those who have lost children.
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