Helping Others By Sharing Stories

This weekend I was invited to speak at the Mind Body Spirit Festival Australia in Melbourne about my journey since my mother's sudden death in February 2011.

I was able to share my story about the grief that took me completely by surprise and the roller coaster of emotions that followed. I was also able to talk about my writing which helped me embrace my grief and keep my connection alive with my mother.

Writing has become for me like the telephone conversations we had in life, and when I write to her I hear her whispers and guidance flow through me. It is truly breathtaking and beautiful.

I share my story in the hope it will help others embrace their grief, give themselves permission to feel and discover ways to stay connected with loved ones.

I send an abundance of love, light and hugs to everyone who is grieving.

Jude xoxoxo

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About the Author
I am a mother, sister, daughter, facilitator, speaker, author and an advocate for self-expression. Over many years I have embraced a holistic approach to life for myself and my clients. I have helped and supported others to embrace their feelings, get to know themselves and make choices that produce positive outcomes in their lives. Everything I had learned and practiced was in my face as I experienced the roller coaster ride of raw grief following my mother’s sudden death. I found writing my thoughts and feelings in my Mum Moments journal helped me deal with the reality and emotions of death which at times overwhelmed me. As I shared my journal with friends and colleagues I was touched that my words had a profound effect on others dealing with the death of a loved one. In one powerful instance my words motivated a friend to reunite with her estranged mother. To observe someone reconnecting with a living relative touched my heart. I felt it important to share my healing experience in order to help others and decided to publish my journal. I hope it will help those finding their way through a difficult time.

My journal “Mum Moments – Journey Through Grief” and ‘HEARTSPACE – Letters To My Mother’ – Both available from The Grief Toolbox

Judy can be reached or on her Facebook page

I'm Grieving, Now What?