Holding Them In Your Mind and Hugging Them Forever

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Our missing hurts so very much...every minute of every day. Just to feel their touch and feel their hug. Oh what an indescribable feeling of joy it would be to be able to do that wherever and whenever.

We dream about it, we yearn for it. We'd love to turn back the clock for just a tiny moment in time. We'd love to wake up in the morning and find it was all a huge mistake and everything was as it once was. If only we could. If only there was one more hug, one more hello, one more "I love you".

There can be no changing what has happened. There can be no going back, but there are ways we can keep them close, near us, by us. We never have to let them go. We keep them in our lives in the ways and moments that are beyond their physical presence alone. In those moments we surround ourselves with their essence, their memory, and their love. And for a moment in time we are hugging them again.

These are the moments that will come to us. These are the moments we will cherish and these are the moments we will clasp tight to our hearts and never let go of. Those moments that will bring a little of them into our lives once more.

Moments of Smell

Smell has the incredible power to transport us back to a happy memory, or to remember with love.

Buy their favourite fragrance, dab it on and feel the essence of them surround you once more. They are there in that moment, with you.

Cook their special recipes, the favourite meals you shared and inhale the smells of memory and connection.

Moments of Closeness

Wear their favourite shirt.

Hug their pillow.

Stitch their clothes into a memory quilt and wrap yourself in them every night.

Frame their forever t-shirt.

Make a photo collage of your special memories - see it, trace it, touch it as often as you want.

Moments of Communicating

Say your hello each and every day to their beautiful face.

Use a memory pendant to tell them what you always wanted them to hear.

Write your "I love you" to them in a beautiful notepad.

Caption their photos with the words they would be saying just for you right now.

Play their songs.

Hear their voice - literally on a recording.

Begin to notice the wonderful ways they come to you - in your remembering, in your sleep and in the signs that float into your life.

Your beautiful loved ones may have gone physically from your life but they remain always with you. As the days pass, as your emotions change as you begin to have moments where you are not thinking of them immediately know they are with you. As they always will be. You will never have to let them go. They are part of you as you are part of them.

They stay cherished and forever loved in the sacred spaces of your heart and in the beautiful sanctuary of your mind. It is in those places where you can reach in and hug them always.

Maureen Hunter is an inspirational writer and grief steps mentor giving comfort and hope to many. She is passionate about helping people to step through grief and build a new and different life after loss, one in which their loved one is always a part of.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maureen_Hunter