If the shoe fits, wear it!
Angry, alone, confused, insecure, bipolar, mean, miserable, orphaned, simply just different! These are just a few emotions that I can feel on any given day. When I find myself in a place that is foreign to me I hear my lovely mothers voice. She would say Suzanne ( my name is Susie but this is when I know she's serious), don't be contrary to who God wants you to be.
In my mothers passing I find myself being a little kid again and fearing disappointing her. I respect her even more for I know that I have to be a direct reflection of her now. In the beginning it was hard to fill those shoes, because I wanted to do everything the way she would have.
It wasn't until one day my mommy came to me and said 'Suzanne its not that hard we wear the same size shoes, just different styles'. I knew then that she was right, I don't have to fill her shoes I have my own way of doing things.
So please don't try to be your mommy you are already your mommy. Just be you, the person that she was so proud of.