I Remember You - A Poem

About the Artist
Reaching out to help comfort others with contributions inspired by my first three major losses within four months of themselves inadvertently helps heal my heart as well. Those who have gone before us have blessed us with the magnificent gift of their love. A deeply treasured gift! A gift that is ours forever, a gift no one can every take away! I believe in reaching out through their beautiful love to help others are part of their legacy to us. My first major loss, my fiancé STEVEN J. SABROWSKE SR. *lost to suicide* February 24, 1964 ♥ January 4, 2011, my second major loss, my 1st & only pregnancy BABY SABROWSKE *taken by miscarriage* March 2, 2011, my third major loss, an ex boyfriend THOMAS WILLIAM HOLMES III March 5, 1961 - May 31, 2011. Their life, their love, their legacy…have inspired all four of my websites.