Loved by an Angel

Tears. All night. I know those tears. Nighttime seems to be the worst. It's when we feel the most alone. How can we survive this ocean of tears? When will the sobbing stop? By and by there will come some less-intense nights when loneliness is not so much as a cloak you are wearing (even though you don't want to wear that cloak). Loneliness will become a visitor who stands near the door and waits politely to enter the room. On those nights, just smile and know that you are loved by an angel. Love never dies. 

Loved by an Angel via Love Beyond Stars
About the Artist
I lost my husband in January 2015. He was my stars. He was my everything. I write memories to help me deal with grief--a grief I was not prepared to face. I never would have been ready to say "Goodbye" but I also never would have gauged the depth of grief to be so deep. I hope my poems can help others realize they are not alone in the loss of a beloved family member.