How do I move forward
How do I move forward without guilt?
Taking into account all that we have built!
Alone, confused, conflicted!
That’s how I feel everyday, my brain is twisted!
My thoughts are in competition with my heart to see which can form the most knots.
Move forward?
How can I do that without you?
I look at our babies and see you in their eyes and it breaks my heart knowing that they only want you when they cry!
I can’t make it better, change things, give you back to them in any way!
What exactly am I supposed to say when they look at me with tear streaked cheeks, with your eyes searching so deep and ask me….
I don’t have answers!
They don’t want scientific medical findings from an autopsy report on a piece of paper!
The one that I tucked safely away until I can bear to process the information!
They want to know why you?
Why their Daddy?
Why do WE have to be in this situation?
How do I get them through their grief when I haven’t even figured out how to process my own?
All I can do is my best to see them through and ensure that they’re happy and healthy when they’re grown!
For every step forward I take, I feel knocked back so many I wanna break!
I’ve taken one chance so far, turned out he was fake!
I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t process all the thoughts and feelings and emotions!
How do I let go of all the plans and promises we made, the silly stupid games we played?
Some say I should be over it!
Like there’s some magical book on it!
They have no idea the depth of the pain that rips my soul to shreds every minute since you went away!!!!
I’m tired, exhausted, drained and defeated.
But I’ll continue to fake it until I make it because I know... that regardless of all that people say, we’ll be reunited one sweet day!