I Think Confucius Knew A Few Good Funeral Directors

Confucius (551-497 B.C.E.), the great Chinese philosopher, is known for his high moral values as taught through his famous aphorisms. Who among us hasn't heard, or most likely in jest said; "Confucius say..."

Reportedly, he was once asked, "What are the most important virtues for leading a successful, moral, and fulfilling life?" His answer leads me to believe that he knew some good Funeral Directors, because what he said describes their qualities. In his customary brevity, he said the most important virtues were; humility, compassion, patience, and detachment.

Okay, I know "humility" caused more than one smirk among those reading, and perhaps "patience" got a few snickers too, however, I come to Funeral Directors' defense in suggesting we should not confuse confidence with a lack of humility, and the intolerance of poor quality and inefficiency should not be seen as impatience.

Let's look at each of Confucius' four virtues in the context of a Funeral Director's life.


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