if only

if only I could see her

the universe would smile

the  slow demise of courage would cease

and purpose could  begin

in my heart and my mind


if only I could hear her

the fog in my heart would lift

and the light could shine into the wound

causing the unfeeling to feel

and I could love again


if only I could touch her

a fire would fill my chest

and my eyes would shine again

pushing the lifelessness aside

like the sun does in the morning


if only I could hold her

the power of life would surge

arcing through my spirit like a lightning bolt

pushing out the deadness

to welcome this new life


but I know instead

that I will bask in her memory

until the inertia of us is spent

and life trails off as my voice does

carefully saving the last breath

 to speak her name


About the Author
I was born in 1957 as one of 6 kids. It was a great childhood, we were a close family and those of us who remain still are. I met the love of my life in 1975, she was my first girlfriend and my last. we were married in 1977 and remained happily so until her sudden death in 2014. I've always written to her, and she to me. Even after her loss I still write for her even though I don't know if she sees
I'm Grieving, Now What?