TV Promo Dread

I imagine before my son died 4 years ago I would have watched the promos for the new ABC television series RESURRECTION and I would have been excited to see a show that obviously explores a scenario loaded with the potential for tremendous dramatic exploration. But being on the opposite side of losing a child, the advertisements have done nothing but filled me with unease and anguish.

The War of Emotions

There is an image I have in mind named War of Emotions. It was painted by three people - one adult, one teen, and one child. It depicts what many of us know to be true about life. Life is very often a war of the emotions, where spot fires of turmoil subsist within isolated areas of our personhood in the otherwise tranquil ground of a good life.

Looking At Living When A Loved One Is Dying

When a loved one is dying it invites us to reflect on the gift and fragility of life. How do we live fully while we are alive? What can we learn from the process of watching a loved one transition out of life? The importance of emotional support and connection to ease the aloneness of the dying process is emphasized.