The Yellow Jersey
On Tuesday, September 17th, I had the privilege of giving a talk to a book group. Whenever I do a talk, I try not to spend time worrying about what to say. I am fully aware that I can only present what I believe to be true and hope that it inspires conversation.
2013 Appreciation Picnic Pictures
These are pics from our Appreciation picnic, enjoy
Rev Allen Morgan -In This Life
Beautiful song: A song about the relationship between life and death.
Turning Wounds Into Wisdom
When I was 13 years old, in 1970, my whole world fell apart. My mother and two younger sisters were killed in an Air Canada plane crash.
All 109 people on board were killed that day.
My mother’s name was Rita. She was 39. My sister’s names were Carla and Wendy. They were 11 and 8.
I was sitting in New York with a group of bereaved parents when Alan Pederson said that I could fix anything. I thought well, he’s right. I am a shade tree mechanic. Why is that? Because I have to.
As days slip into nights, years pass through our lives
Time heals all - a lie indeed; It speaks not, to broken hearts,
Love and grace soften the pain and still we grieve for you
Memories of you season our days, they do comfort our broken hearts