5 Suggestions for Teachers to Help Grieving Students


The majority of teachers will interact every day with students that are grieving. Teachers naturally want to help but feel like they don’t have the right training to step in. The good news is that in-depth training is not required for teachers to be able to make a positive impression on the lives of their students who are grieving. Here, we offer five helpful suggestions to teachers to be able to support their students.

Tears In Heaven



When I lost my son I didn’t know what to do with my self. Life seemed to stretch on endlessly and it did not include me. I was totally lost and afraid I would never come back from it, never. My friend brought me to singsnap and I started there, singing. It helped and I was surprised. I don’t feel I can sing very well but it didn’t matter. I sang this song for my son and it mattered so much to me.

The Great Pretender


When Tim died, the normal everyday mask was torn off, like blinders from my eyes. I suddenly found that I had no filters, no mask, and no give a shit. It didn’t matter to me how people perceived me, or if they even came around, which they didn’t so the loss of filters is very serious. Once everything hits you, you are in a storm that the earth has never seen. If your grief, anger, and sorrow could swallow the whole world and spit it back out. You deal with pain so unknowable there are no words for it. It cannot be measured or boxed up. So what do we do with it?



Music therapy has been around a long time as a healing modality. It sure can be a big help when we need some mood-altering, can’t it?  I’ve leaned on it a lot in the years since Pat has been gone. It even made an entrance in my head as my beloved husband lay in Critical Care during his last few days. Not in the way you might think,  not the soft music that hospice workers suggest.