Healing with Memorial Bookmarks
Grief is a natural response to losing a loved one. Your emotional response is very personal and takes time. Healing happens gradually; it can’t be forced or hurried. What is important is that whatever your experience is, you need to be patient with yourself and allow your heart to follow the course that is best for you.
Since we all grieve differently, how we grieve depends on many factors – the impact the person had on your life, the way you express yourself, your coping skills and belief systems and so much more. We can go through sadness, fear, guilt, anger and disbelief while others have come to terms more easily. Even though grief is an emotional response, we can be physically challenged from the loss.
As different as each person’s path in grief is, so is their path to healing. There are many ways to help the process of healing along. Lean on your friends and family. Support groups can be a great help. Bottling up the sadness and pain isn’t healthy. Allow yourself the down time to feel your emotions and face your feelings. Do it your way. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should feel or how to feel.
Also, doing something to honor your loved one can be helpful. It can make you feel closer to them. There are so many ways to honor someone – from creating a memorial website to planting trees. My favorite is creating a tangible personalized memorial bookmark. I found it to be so comforting, that I started to help others honor their loved ones with a line of personalized laminated bookmarks.
For some people, the healing starts as you look at all the selections of borders, symbols and poems we offer. Megan S. of Atlanta wrote us, “When my sister asked me to work with her in creating our Dad’s bookmark, I resisted. I thought it would hurt too much. I found it to be the opposite. As we went through the selections, we remembered some wonderful family stories that had been forgotten. We laughed and we cried as we created a bookmark that fits our Dad. “
Some people feel closer to their loved one. “Six months ago, you made bookmarks for my husband, Robert’s passing. I use mine when I read at night. Sometimes, I just sit and talk to the bookmark. I am not sure why but it makes me feel closer to him. I just thought you should know your bookmarks make a difference.” Betty W, Little Rock, AR
For some it is a continuance of family as Sharon M. of Covington, LA told me. “I read to my little girl every night and use the bookmark you made of my father. At the end of each night, Sadie says ‘night, night, PopPop’ and kisses the bookmark. She would not know about her grandfather if it weren’t for the bookmark. Now she asks me to tell her about him. She knows he is watching over us.”
As you have read, healing comes in many forms. I hear all the time about how our Memorial Bookmarks bring healing and solace to families. We would love to bring that to your family. Visit https://thegrieftoolbox.com/products/memorial-bookmarks-honoring-your-loved-one#.Wk6DP0tG0Wo and allow us to help you honor your loved one.
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