Hold On

Hold on to all the times we had
In life that made you smile
Hold on to all the memories
That made our lives worth while
Hold on to all of our sweet love...
And dreams that we once shared
Hold on to our amazing bond
That can not be compared
Let go of all the tears you shed
Since I’m in Heaven’s arms
Let go of guilt and anger held
For they just do you harm
Let go of all the what if’s
The could have’s and if only’s
Hold on to memories of my smile
So you won’t feel so lonely
From Heaven I still see you
As you live your life each day
I’m truly all around you
And I never went away
I graduated to Heaven
For my soul had reached it’s Plan
I know how much you love me
I know you’re my biggest Fan
Hold on to knowing that one day
You’ll be right here with me
So live life to it’s fullest now
Chase your dreams and live life free
And one day when we meet above
When your life there is through
You will hold on to me
And I will hold on to you……


About the Author

My name is Fara Gibson. I am a Psychic/Medium. I was born with an amazing ability given to me by God. I have the ability to connect people here in the physical world with their loved ones that have passed on to Heaven. You see, I said that I was born with an ability because the gift lies in the messages that I get to give to people like you. When I was a little girl I always knew that I was a little different from all of the other kids. I could see things the other kids didn’t see, hear things the other kids couldn’t hear and I felt things that I couldn’t explain. In my teens, I discovered that it wasn’t that I was different, I was blessed. I am clairaudient (I hear spirit), clairsentient (I feel spirit) and I am also clairvoyant (I see spirit and the symbols they give me). I have shared messages of healing and assurance that our loved ones are with us and watching over us from Heaven since I was a young girl. Fara Gibson, Psychic Medium www.faragibson.com. There is a link to my FB Page listed on my Website. If you would like to focus on your Healing, I would love for each of you to join my page. I am an Author of 3 amazing books that will help you on your healing journey 

Looking Into The Windows Of Heaven 

Heaven Is Within Us 

Heaven's Voice Is Within Your Soul 

You can find and purchase all 3 books on Amazon and you will love them all so much! 

I'm Grieving, Now What?