Eternal Embrace


My Love for you holds vigil

Honoring you within, and  without,

forever missing you, forever altered

forever changed, yet remain unbroken


As long as our Love for you holds vigil

The veil has no power to keep us apart.

A Love forged so deeply can never compart.

for merely a simple utterance of your name,

beckons you forth, bringing you near, remain.....


Our love for you remains

In all hearts that beat remembrance

the steady rhythm, and sweet cadence of your life

solemnly honored and encased within each ones memory.


Your memories,   continue to teach ~

- In the charity we bestow on one another,

- In the Faith we continue to share with each other

- In Truth and hope that gently beckon each of us forth

- In the Love we entrust and bequeath upon one another essence.... you Live on.....


Our love for you is alive

In hope, and truth that gently whisper,

Faith and charity continually linger,

imparting a constant unwavering light,

a  guiding beacon in our lives.


On this....your second Angel Day,

we recommit to you, we honor you,

in this timeless space,

offering our boundless gratitude

and forevermore, undying Love,

in this love's eternal embrace.   LMO

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About the Author
experienced mother of 3
Grief In Action