Where is Everybody?

Statistics show that after losing someone you love, it takes approximately 14 days for life to get back to normal………………..for everybody but you.

If you have lost someone you love, you may know what I’m talking about. In the beginning you were overwhelmed by calls, flowers, meals, family and noise. But now, your world is quiet. And the silence is deafening. As people return to the chaos of their lives, it’s easy to feel as though you’ve slipped under the radar. Where is everybody? 

Here are 6 things I wish I’d known during my most intense time of sorrow:

6) Just because you aren’t getting calls and cards every day doesn’t mean people have forgotten about you.

5) Putting on a big smile and pretending everything’s OK, when it’s really not will keep you stuck. 

4) There should be a sign saying, “don’t attempt this by yourself.”  

3) Hanging out with inspiring or funny people = good medicine; with no side effects. 

2) Mindless movies can be great therapy. 

1) You are stronger than you think you are. You will survive this.  

Would you like to connect with some amazing people who understand? Open to Hope  is a phenomenal website - full of fresh Grief Relief TV, Radio and articles from people who have loved and lost; and are embracing life again.  

                         What do you wish someone had told you? 

Beth Marshall, author of Grief Survivor- 28 Steps toward Hope and Healing- available here through The Grief Toolbox. 

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About the Author

Beth Marshall is a speaker and a free lance journalist. She is the author of two grief-related books, "Grief Survivor ~ 28 Steps toward Hope and Healing;" and "A Time to Heal, a grief journal." After losing three close people in her life, Marshall found comfort through saving photographs and writing about the people she was missing. Marshall served several years as Pastoral Care Coordinator for NewSpring Church in South Carolina. Currently her life is filled with freelance writing, speaking and family. She loves helping people realize there really can be joy-filled life after loss. *Please visit Beth Marshall's author page on http://www.opentohope.com/ for nuggets of encouragement and hope.

I'm Grieving, Now What?