Grief Is A Road Not Clearly Defined
The Grief Toolbox offers tools for finding hope along this journey. Tools are what we all need as we navigate the road on our Journey Through Grief. When grief is in your face it can take you completely by surprise and take you on the wildest ride of your life.
It can be scary and frightening as your feelings can completely take over or you can sit in a state of disbelief and numbness.
This road is not clearly defined and there will be potholes in the most unexpected places.
On my own journey I found allowing myself to feel my feelings without judgement and expressing my feelings by writing a journal helped me grieve and find a new way to connect with my mum after her sudden death.
I share my journal in my book Mum Moments - Journey through Grief to give you " permission to feel" as I believe allowing yourself to feel without judgement is a powerful healing tool.