
Member for

10 years 6 months

I lost my 9 1/2 year old little girl Kimberly 9 years and 4 months ago. Kimberly had an extremely rare chromosome deficiency she was missing part if 7q32, all of 7q33 and part if 7q34. Kimberly was mildly mentally handicap but healthy. She made a noise and was gone with what we were told was cardiac arithymia.

June will be 10 years since I last held my little girl. 10 years since I heard her voice. 10 years since I saw her smile.

10 years...longer then I had her.

At times it's hard to believe it's been that long, there are times when the pain is so raw it feels like yesterday. At times it feels like it has been so much longer...

Time doesn't make it better. Time doesn't heal.

Time does make it different...In the beginning Kimberly's death out-shined everything. All I could think about was her death. It clouded my memories. At some point her life and my memories out-shined her death. When I think about Kimberly which is still numerous times a day I remember her life first and her death second. In the beginning I had to take life one breath at a time, over time I can now take life a day at a time. I still have moments that take my breath away.

This is a journey I never thought I would be on. It's a never ending journey. As hard as the journey is I wouldn't trade my time with Kimberly or my memories for anything.

