Holidays don't have to suck
Holidays don't have to suck
It has taken me a about few years to get this, but I finally do. For me, it was about not being with my family. I moved my entire life to Florida to begin a new life with Pete. We made our own traditions, and I also continued some of his.
The first year he passed was horrible. And it DID suck. Almost sucked the life out of me. Christmas 2012 was 3 months to the day that Pete passed. I admit, I was a mess. I had to put on a "doing ok" face, but inside the grief volcano was rumbling. It has taken 2 years, countless hours of incredible grief, thousands of tissues, a raw and very real conversation with a friend who let me have it, and the love and support of my family and friends to get to this place. Looking back I cannot believe how far I have come. I never thought I would here.
Folks ask me about "signs". Look, I am no expert. I am sharing my story as part of my journey. If it helps someone in the process, it was meant to be. I cannot say what is right for anyone else. I will say this.. I firmly believe that everything in my life has happened at the exact moment it was supposed to. That being said,
I realized, for me, remembering, sharing and continuing to LIVE would be the best way to honor all my family who have passed. I was not supposed to spend the day crying and continuing to mourn every time a holiday or anniversary passes. Instead, I honor their memory by continuing to share the special day and remembering them.
Not everyone can take this path in their grief journey. It's time. This is what works for ME.
I will cherish and hold dear every single memory. I will tell the stories of my loved ones to keep their memory alive. I will look at pictures and videos, laugh, cry and remember. I will look forward to holidays and Anniversaries. They don't have to suck anymore, for me.