I will honor your life

It is within these four walls that I let it all out
No shame
No judgement
For a man with his life ahead of him.. Yet so quickly torn away by a faultering mind.
Time spent
Memories lost
Please never forget: we two are one

And with every passing day I hold your heart in my grasp and bring it kindnes and warmth, that gentle touch you always showered me with.
Your endless light that will never cease ....
I will remember the car rides, the dances we shared,
Laughter and the tears.
Most importantly the love an light in your eyes.
All these moments we shared will never truly fade away.
Though maybe in your mind,
maybe one day in my own
But true love always resides in the tenderest of hearts,
In the depths of ones soul

In yours
In mine

I will honor your life, your love and the memory that you have lost
I will do this no matter the cost...


About the Author
I am a caretaker at heart having worked at a hospital, special Ed teacher and now I work with disabled adults. My father was firsts diagnosed with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's at the young age of 60 We lost him this past may. And though I have know grief all too much nothing could have hit me so hard as his illness and then passing
I'm Grieving, Now What?