Bereaved Presidents

"In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all…it comes with bitterest agony…Perfect relief is not possible except with time. You cannot realize that you will ever feel better…and yet this is a mistake. You are sure to be happy again. To know this, which is certainly true, will make you some less miserable now.

Valentine Memories

Thinking of upcoming Valentine’s Day sends me back wistfully to a much lighter time in my past, a memory of the last Valentine's Day before Nina died. Chris and Nina had been dating for about two months. He was her first "real" boyfriend. Chris was a wonderful young man, just the kind that a mom would approve of.

Grief Relief: Coping With Pregnancy Loss and Infertility

Co-hosts, mother, daughter team, Gloria Horsley Ph.D. and Heidi Horsley Psy.D interview guests: Chandrama Anderson, MFT, and author of No U-Turn at Mercy Street: A Memoir and Resource Guide for Grieving Parents, G. David Adamson MD, Director of Fertility Physicians of Northern California, Clinical Professor Stanford University School of Medicine and Beth Jaeger-Skigen, LCSW.


A very wonderful and wise person once told me when I was going through some tough days, (and we all have them) to be very frugal with my spoons...When I asked her what she meant, she said...Cathy, you are given 10 spoonfuls of energy a day.. thats it..when they are gone, you crash.

Ancient Calling

Ancient Calling

Today my heart soars

as sacred family gathers

in this powerful yet gentle

healing space, to breathe life

and energy into our intention

of healing Mother Earth

and all living things.


An ancient calling has sounded.

One by one we heed the call,