Finally, i can sift thru Keith's things and discard some-IF the guilt doesn't consume me.......

February 26. 11 years. 11 whole years these green eyes have not seen those beautiful sparkling brown eyes and those perfect,straight white teeth. To say i have struggled would be the single biggest understatement ever. I have done things quite a bit differently however.

Love is Grief?

Yes, if you did not love, there would be no grief. We grieve for the loss of that love, their presence, hugs, kisses, conversations, and time spent together.

Some grieve openly, frequently, sometimes loudly, with tears falling like rain.  While others grieve quietly as tears slowly fall.

Been a year

Its been a year now/a year of a long  gloomy hovering cloud/daughters doing well getting smarter you'd be so proud/thanksgiving didn't feel right/felt like you should of been right by our side/worlds moving fast/but i wish that last minute didn't go so fast/i still see you standing where you would of stood/its a dark gloomy Christmas this year in our hood/wish i would of  noticed and