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Dianne Leutner, a Dutch national who now lives in England, knows the depths of grief firsthand after losing both her parents to terminal cancer and two sisters-in-law to sudden death within just a few years. It’s no surprise, then, that her first two books focus on the topic of loss.

Her debut book, Remembering, is a children’s bereavement book that was nominated at the BMA 2010 Book Awards, remains one of Child Bereavement UK’s best-selling books, and is heralded by the British Medical Association.
Her second book Given Time to Say Goodbye, a raw, heartfelt memoir of a cancer caregiver acknowledges the darkness of loss—revealing the surprising healing properties of honest grieving was launched in October 2015.

For fifteen years, Leutner worked in TV and radio production as a script supervisor, director, and producer. The author is passionate about helping others learn how to grieve well so they, too, can fully embrace life.

