I Could Not Follow

You left and I could not follow

There was no note

No map of where you were

Just an empty life without you


I couldn’t throw rocks at your window

Couldn’t shout your name from the rooftops

Or take you in my arms

Just cry until the tears ran out


I’ve tried for years to relive the months you gave me

Becoming me . Again.

My husband left this world on September 25, 2012. This was the last day of my life. For the past 3 years I have struggled daily with memories, guilt, remorse, anger, confusion and loneliness. Finally, I have been able to let go of MOST of these feelings. I was the best I could have been at that time with what I knew and had.


“Gary, I’m calling about our dad, Sal. He’s not doing well. Can you talk to him?” Steve asked.

Sal lost his wife, Millie, to Alzheimer’s. They had been married 55 years. No wonder he wasn’t doing well.

“One word of warning,” Steve continued. “Dad doesn’t take well to strangers, so I don’t know how this is going to go.”

Afraid of Living

It's not something we think about or contemplate while we are in the grip of our grief. More then likely, we are instead, wanting to join the one we lost. Death becomes none scary after the worst has happened. Suddenly, we have no fear of dying, not for ourselves anyway. The world has lost it magic, that hold it welded over us.

Together, we can make a difference!

Today I was honored to be a volunteer for Run for The Fallen.  A tribute to soldiers who died that have served our country.  In interacting with so many family members, friends, and their support was amazing.  To hear and see pain amongst people broke my heart.  It is a reminder that the grieving process is different for so many of us.  Some were smiling and sharing sto