Suffocating In Grief

Suffocating in grief.


There comes a time when you are faced with the most simplistic and most challenging decisions of your life.


When grief has become so complicated with overtones of how sweet peace would look like in the stillness of the darkest black you ever saw.... defeat rears it's ugly truth blinding you from the light.....death.  


The shadow of the day casts a likeness that numbs the heart and soul to transparency. Each breath that I breathe resembles an explosion of love that can't escape my prison of life in grief. Each thought that passes through the fog wrapped in armored steel penetrates deep within my soul and echoes I can't feel today.

The Silent Truth

I haven't written about this, mainly because of the feedback I might get. But, I'm at a point where, the truth is the truth and this is my truth.


One week after my son passed away,  my daughter in law and I went to a medium. It was the best, most important, decision I ever made.