I can't stop my tears from falling
I Can't stop my tears from falling
In an instant they seem to flow
Pain it strikes right through me
Not wanting to let go
At times when I am all alone
And it's pouring down outside
I Can't stop my tears from falling
In an instant they seem to flow
Pain it strikes right through me
Not wanting to let go
At times when I am all alone
And it's pouring down outside
I only held you for a while
But my heart holds you forever
Treasured memories bring me comfort
Of the times we spent together
I still smell your baby smell
And sense your tiny form
In death nobody wins only pain and sadness is left in the living. only regret and remorse for the things left undone or never touched upon. I am broken so full of sadness that not even on a good day full of laughter am I complete.
Jeff was a good friend. He sat in front of me in seventh grade English. He was quiet, respectful, and smart. He was easy to be with.
Every time I hear someone say, it is time to move on, I want to scream. I actually am screaming inside, they just can’t hear. I do not want to MOVE ON!!! To me moving on implies that I am leaving my daughter behind. I am moving forward to a place she has never been and never will be.
It is strange now how the brain views everything. It is as though new pathways were forged in my mind the moment of my loss. This Sunday, October 5, 2014, Tim will be gone nine months. Nine months to bring him into this world, nine months that he has been gone. I fall apart. I tried to not think about Sunday, for it was a Sunday that he left.
I made a vow to myself tonight
Hoping it will last throughout my life
That in me I have the strength to fight
Wipe away the pain, sorrow and negativity
It's lingering does more bad than good
The Lord, I trust knows what will become of me
Trust in Him
Above all else
He knows the way
He knows my heart
He's the light
I ask for the strength of your love
To help mend my broken heart
To reinvent myself
And live a new life from you apart
I ask for the strength of your love
To help me as I struggle through
To carry me as I stumble
And live a new life in honor of you
Every night I lay awake
Praying for sleep,
But sleep won't come.
When I started writing after my mums sudden death I was writing as a survival technique. I wrote because I was in shock, I was in pain, I didn't know what to do. The more I wrote, the more it helped me embrace all that I was feeling. It helped.