Days Without End

There is no one, no matter how close they are to you, no matter how well they think they know you, there is no one who will really understand your sorrow unless they have that same sorrow. Even then, they can only judge your pain by the example of their own. If they have never experienced your type of grief, they have no scale to measure by. None.

Life after a funeral

 Life after a funeral doesn’t need to be spent in what ifs or what could have been; it’s time to reach out to your family. Everyone is going through their own turmoil as we age: Health, making ends meet, the death of family, friends and even sadly the death of our children. So, it’s now has been six years since we buried our oldest son, Charlie.

Healing Takes A Lifetime

Early on in my grief journey, I realized this was not going to be a "get over it quickly" type of thing.  I had a strong desire to read everything I could on grief, suicide, and the afterlife.  I came to realize quickly that this journey will not end until I take my last breath.  People have asked me how I stay strong and this is what I explain to them.


A special afternoon of remembrance....Thank you Dad!

Today I had the pleasure of attending Seacoast Salutes!  It was held in Portsmouth and helps support our Veterans!  I got out my black leather vest that my niece gave to me after my dad, a Marine and WWII Veteran that his boots first hit foreign soil on Iwo Jima, died of lung cancer in 2011.  She had it made with all his Marine information and logo on the back.  What an incr