Stirring Up Memories this Mothers' Day

This Mothers’ Day I’m thinking about not only my mom, “Beazy,” but also about my one-in-a-million grand mom, Nana! Both will be celebrating the day in Heaven. I wonder, since we know there will be no sadness, carb counting or keto craziness in heaven~ what if they will celebrate the day with one of Nana’s killer 6 layer chocolate cakes?! Is that cake making your mouth water right now, too? 

Friendships and Grief

Every one of us handles grief differently. We walk around dazed and confused trying to understand the deeper meaning of death. Some of us throw ourselves back into our work to be distracted, trying to shake off our grief, while others may fall into a deep dark pit where they try to search for a deeper meaning of it all.

It is difficult when we are open to talk about our journeys and about the loved ones we’ve lost but, sometimes other people aren't. Relationships with others can crumble which often widens the gap    

Pluses of Planning Your Own Memorial Service


I have three leaking heart valves and am in acute heart failure. My mitral valve leaks the most. In May a world-famous surgeon is going to replace my mitral valve with a pig valve. Several weeks before surgery I met with my primary care physician. “You need to be prepared,” she advised, “and not be surprised by something from left field.”