My Fathers Grief

I wish I could say "I knew my father" I did not but I did know his pain, I knew that pain all too well.  It took over his life ran his world, you see my mom died when I was 9 years old leaving behind a husband and 4 children 11,9,7 and 2.  When mom died in essense dad died also.  At least the part of him that was rationale and tender,loving.  He never spoke of my mother again nope not once she was just gone from our lives forever.  And dad his life after that was full of fear and anger and harshness.  By all outward appearances it seemed as if he

Beyond Goodbye – Coping After the Loss of a Loved One - A filmmaker and photographer offers a space for others to grieve and heal after his son's death.

In January 2011, Joshua Amos Harris Edmonds was killed in a road traffic accident in Vietnam. He was 22 and on a trip of a lifetime traveling across South East Asia. His parents creatively creating Beyond Goodbye — a book, … Continue reading

Marys Poem

My Sweet Mary

I could search the whole world through

And never feel more love than I felt from you

Such a sweet and perfect child

Always here to make us smile


You had such a sweet sweet spirit

What a lonely world without you in it

I do not know why you had to go

I miss you more than anyone can know

For in my heart is a huge huge hole


And nothing else can take your place

And nothing will make your memories erase

I don’t know how I will go on

I miss your smile and your song


A Lifetime Of Loss

We have all experienced loss in one form of another, and it is a painful journey that takes a lifetime to learn to live life with.  There is hope always remember that in your darkest hours there is always hope.   I experienced my first loss at the age of 9 when my mother passed away.  I always thought that was the worst thing that could happen.  I can remember many times cleaning my house as an adult and still the tears would fall like rain because I missed my mom so much.  I always thought nothing worse could happen to me that growing up without my mom meant t

The History of Mothers Day It is not just a Hallmark made up holiday

There is no missing that Mother’s Day is approaching the stores are filled with gift ideas, commercials are promoting flower sales, even the restaurants advertise special Mother’s Day brunch. It is an American holiday widely celebrated. Sadly, for some Mother’s Day is being anticipated with dread. For mothers who have lost a child the day is always missing someone.

Understanding Grief and Loss

Throughout the years, the Five stages of Loss and Grief have been well written about and discussed. In this essay, I elaborate my personal views that extend on the Bargaining stage of grief. Bargaining is the normal reaction to feelings of helplessness and vulnerability after a death of a loved one that is often associated with the need to regain control. Some common thoughts associated with bargaining can be "if only we had sought medical attention sooner," "If only we had gotten a second opinion from another doctor," "If only I had tried to be a there more."